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Traffic View 57mm

Modern TrafficView shows traffic information provided by FLARM/PowerFLARM or ADS-B A/C devices. Features like new Alert View, Head-On Alert view and also a TCAS view, will help you to see as much information you need to get total awareness of your surrounding. TrafficView also displays climb rate, altitude and distance for selected targets also it uses the FLARMNET database for friendly target names. All manipulation is done via 1 rotary encoder and 3 push buttons.

FLARM and TCAS Mode. Shows all different types of FLARM objects, ADS-B objects and PCAS if appropriate external devices are connected.

Waypoint and Task mode. Airspace. Never get lost by using a Waypoint mode and Task mode with surrounded airspace including traffic objects.

Also Available in 80mm version

450,00 TTC (4,50% TVA)
( 430,62 HT)

Il reste que 1 - commandez vite

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